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11 Jul 2023

The “Sustainability Journey” continues: third sustainability report published

Our Sustainability Journey continues with the publication of the third Sustainability Report, a journey that starts from the earliest product in the circular economy – leather – a by-product of food production that is refined through manufacturing processes, thus avoiding waste and creating new products such as shoes, bags or sofas that embody Made in Italy excellence around the world. 


For this third edition of our Sustainability Report,” comments Group President Chiara Mastrotto, “although we were not required to do so, we decided to submit the document to a third party for certification. We have made this choice in order to give a strong signal to the market and our customers that we are not only transparent, but also determined to pursue the ambitious goals we have set ourselves”.


The results relating to our Group’s commitment to sustainability issues are divided into three main areas Environment, Economy and Social and demonstrate the progress being achieved through a business plan that has been strategically thought out and implemented with a medium-long term view.


In the environmental field, the achievements of the recent past are consolidated, and there are significant new developments. Among the achievements is the Gold Rating, the highest recognition in the LWG (Leather Working Group) certification, with a raw material traceability score of 85/100, one of the highest in the sector; in addition, the percentage of electricity supply from certified renewable sources continues to be 100%.


Scope 1 and 2 Carbon Neutrality was also confirmed for Gruppo Mastrotto Express’s 40 collections and 1,500 colours of leather, our exclusive ready-to-deliver leather service, and adhesion to the United Nations Global Compact, the most extensive international corporate citizenship programme, reflecting our desire to pursue balanced, lasting and inclusive corporate development. 


Among the new developments are two important achievements: the first is the patenting of REVIVA, a material that comes from recycling leather processing waste. Reviva is a “zero waste” regenerated product that uses finished leather trimmings that would otherwise be sent to incinerators, refining them following a circular economy and upcycling approach. REVIVA is a highly customisable product destined for all brands, especially in the fashion world, that have made sustainability a central focus of their corporate path


The second new development is that we have achieved the OEKO-TEX® LEATHER STANDARD, which is a new, independent and globally recognised environmental product certification for leather and leather goods, ensuring that we are purchasing products that are safe for people’s health and the environment.


We record a further step forward on the waste recycling front, with a percentage of 98%: a performance approximately 20% above the industry average.


As for suppliers, on the other hand, a supplier mapping exercise has been launched to assess whether they have actually adopted good practices in line with the sustainability principles our Group adheres to, which is another step in the direction of increasingly precise raw material traceability.


Significant results were also achieved on the social front: more than 90% of employees signed up to the portal created by us to manage the comprehensive corporate benefits system, while the intensive worker health and safety training effort continued, with more than 4,500 hours provided and a 50% reduction in the accident severity index. An inter-company agreement was also signed with the trade unions to promote better work-life balance.


In 2022, we also achieved the DNA – Difference in Addition prize, awarded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers’ National Anti-Racial Discrimination Office, is intended to assess and promote worthy projects relating to promoting diversity in the company. The prize was awarded because of our inclusion project launched in 2018 aimed at promoting a genuine process of labour and social integration by giving people with cognitive-relational disabilities the opportunity to participate and grow both personally and professionally within the company. 


We confirmed the strong ties to Italy by directing ore than 50% of the average purchase amount is still channelled to Italian suppliers. Networking, discussion and training events on sustainability issues conducted with schools and universities also continued in 2022, while many initiatives continued to support the local community: from scholarships for academic merit for employees’ children to support for volunteer organisations, by donating vehicles to transport people in need of care and assistance.


In this Sustainability Report,” Chiara Mastrotto added, “we have also included a chapter dedicated to our facilities abroad, because we are a global Group and we must also apply our values outside our own country. As Gruppo Mastrotto, we have been on this path for years, striving to involve our stakeholders in an ever more active manner through a systemic approach that results in a wide-ranging and long-term Sustainability Plan that will increasingly have to involve our entire supply chain”.

Vai al bilancio di sostenibilità 2022