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  • Gruppo Mastrotto wins DNA (Difference in Addition) award for inclusiveness in the workplace
27 Okt. 2022

Gruppo Mastrotto wins DNA (Difference in Addition) award for inclusiveness in the workplace

Cerimonia Premio DNA 2/2 - Gruppo Mastrotto

Gruppo Mastrotto has been awarded the first edition of the DNA (Difference in Addition) award, which is open to micro-entities, SMEs and large corporations, and recognises ethical projects on inclusion and diversity in the workplace (in terms of corporate responsibility and positive impact on productivity). This also makes it possible to map the most important experiences of inclusion in the workplace that are currently in operation in Italy.


The award ceremony was held in Rome at the Lazio Region’s Altiero Spinelli Library. We was equally placed with Enel, Cap Gemini and TIM. The award was collected by Giovanna Mastrotto, Managing Director of the company and Chair of the Silvana and Bruno Mastrotto Foundation.


The project analysis and design phase involved the cooperatives Rinascere in Montecchio Maggiore and Studio Progetto in Cornedo Vicentino with the collaboration of dedicated public services, such as the Work Integration Service and Arzignano Job Centre. Those who were involved in the inclusion project are now working in production with good results in terms of output and interpersonal skills. They are following a development path that focuses on building self-esteem, autonomy, skills and practices that will help them not only to feel fulfilled in the workplace, but also to feel happier and more content in their day-to-day life.


This initiative is part of a strategy the Arzignano company embarked on some time ago, to focus on employee wellbeing and develop a corporate culture in which communicating and sharing between colleagues constitutes significant added value. 


This vision has led to the implementation of numerous projects set up under the People Next Level name, and they are part of the company’s Sustainability Journey, which aims to pursue environmental, economic and social sustainability. The creation of an organised company benefits system that encompasses various initiatives, such as incentives for continuous development and the provision of study grants for the children of employees who qualify, is a tangible result and an integral part of this approach.


“With the social and workplace inclusion project, Gruppo Mastrotto is aiming to meet the needs of people with disabilities so that they can play a consistent, ongoing part in the work environment, and to provide concrete social and work inclusion opportunities. This initiative will also benefit all other employees, because it is through sharing experiences and values that people are able to develop”, stated Giovanna Mastrotto.